The Backing Invisible Geniuses (BIG) Program offers scholarships to individuals with proven excellence in International Science Olympiads, enabling them to pursue undergraduate degrees in STEM subjects at leading universities in the UK.
The Backing Invisible Geniuses (BIG) Program offers scholarships to individuals with proven excellence in International Science Olympiads, enabling them to pursue undergraduate degrees in STEM subjects at leading universities in the UK.
The Search for Talented Ramanujans (STAR) Program offers high-achieving students the opportunity to excel in prestigious competitions like Olympiads and gain the edge for admission to top colleges.
This course is designed to guide applicants through the process of creating a compelling and effective proposal for the NATIONS Program. NATIONS provides funding for initiatives aimed at identifying and nurturing talented youth in STEM fields, with a particular focus on Olympiad-level events.
The course covers each key component of a successful proposal, from writing a strong project summary and developing a detailed budget to defining measurable outputs and KPIs. Participants will learn how to present their projects clearly and concisely, maximizing their chances of securing funding.
By the end of this course, participants will have the knowledge and tools necessary to craft a proposal that aligns with the NATIONS Program’s goals and funding criteria.